Summer Body Ready? Huh?!

Hey everyone! Long time no see, thought I would just sit down today and write a little blog post about my personal journey with expectation of being ‘summer body ready’. Why? Because in the summer months I’ve seen such an increased emphasise on looking ‘bikini body’ ready and fitting into certain stereotypes of attractiveness that I just wanted to take a minute and share some truths with you all. By the way a being bikini body ready is just any women in a bikini. 

Every single body is beautiful! I think its important to be healthy and to have a balance but I do believe that every single body is beautiful. My mum used to teach me this saying when I was younger, she used to say ‘if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all.’ BE KIND! Be kind to others but also most importantly be kind to yourself. Learn to love your flaws and your positive bits, learn to love yourself fully.

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, if not more important. If working out everyday is making you happy mentally and physically then go for! Smash your goals and be the best you! Don’t let it overcome you and like so many people let it become a punishment and get so regimented that it becomes a negative thing.

I just want to say i’m not any sort of professional and i’m literally just giving my opinion and sharing some of my experiences.

I’ve recently got back into fitness and running and i’m loving it, I love the endorphin boast you get after a run or smashing a gym session but i’m also trying to learn the art of not beating myself up when I don’t go. Like every other adult out there, life is hectic and sometimes its just not a priority of mine and that needs to be OK.

One thing that’s also really helped me is surrounding myself both in the personal life and my online life with people who are inspirational. Remember Instagram is a highlight real! I try and follow inspirational women who are doing inspirational things. REAL women who are just sharing their life online showing that not everything is perfect. I try not to focus too much on the idealistic goals that I will never reach but just admire the people who are out there smashing their own goals for themselves.

As you can see i’m all about the balance, I’m not the fittest out there but I’m also not the most un fit and I like to find a balance in both my mental and physical health.

This was basically just me rambling but if it helps just one person to be kind to themselves and others I’ve achieved my goal.

Stay cool in this heat.






  1. Matt
    27th July 2018 / 12:38 pm

    YES LYDDY! So flipping proud of you and how you are inspiring others to love their flaws and to accept themselves. You’re amazing! ❤️ #gushy

  2. Becky
    7th September 2018 / 9:15 am

    So true! It is so difficult these days to love yourself as you are. Thanks for the reminder Lyd

    • Lydia White
      11th September 2018 / 11:05 am

      Thanks Becks! You are beautiful and i’m just pleased I can remind you of that. XXX

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